Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I spent 2 days on the multiplication of rational expression modulation in Algbra II... I failed it maybe 10 times now. I barely finished my Memo last night, and I did not get my annotated bibliography done. My mind is being shred into a thousand peices... and as fast as I can gather them up and try to peice it back together again, the faster graduation seems to be going down the hill for me. How on earth am I to graduate with all of this un needed drama going on?

I'm so frustrated at Algebra right now that I am about ready to storm out of the room... I won't, but that's how I feel. I need a day off.

And I see that you can now get away with anything in the govt. by saying merely "it's legal" ...

to hell with you, Alberto Gonzales. You don't deserve the freedom you claim to be protecting.

Hope you're listening...


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